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Woke up refreshed without a headache. WIN! Half day at work was awesome! I cleaned my mini-dinosaur’s habitat. Can I tell you how EASY reptiles are to care for!!?!

Recheck on my foot went good. We decided next procedure, next Friday, we are going to inject both feet with the amniotic fluid. My flare-up after the last shot on my ‘bad’ foot was tolerable. That plus it being on a Friday where I can rest all weekend, led us to both feet next time. It is possible since my left foot is not as bad a the right one, it may only take one injection. As much as I love my Propofol naps, less sedation is always good! Gotta get my footsies in top shape for fall vacay.

Just ate an amazing dish of Thai beef and veggies I whipped up outta thin air. I am very grateful for my gift to cook. I can take a fridge of slop and make a really good and healthy dish. I shocked my Dad last year in Mexico by scraping together stuff to make grilled shrimp, rice, and appetizers for dinner at a moments notice.


Tonight I prepped a ‘jar salad’ for tomorrow’s boating trip with fun friends Carrie and Andy 🙂 If you have never made a jar salad – you must try it! You can prep a week’s worth of salads to go! The layering technique keeps the lettuce fresh and crisp. That’s all for now folks!

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend…and don’t forget why we have a 3 day weekend!
